Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Free From Impurities

CitP blog, 10-14-18, Free From Impurities

In another startling revelation for the folks at Christ in the Park, two different Greek words behind the same English word in two different verses give a whole different perspective on just what God says about things in their life from what they had virtually always believed.  Read the handout at the Park this Sunday to see if this helps you also!

Free From Impurities
Philippians 4:8, “Brethren, whatsoever things are…pure…think on these things.”

     The Greek word translated “pure” in this verse is hagnos.  It speaks of being chaste, free from defilements or impurities.  God is telling us that we are to think only of things that are free from the rudiments of the world, the things the world “thinks” contrary to the things of God.
     What is particularly interesting is that this is much different from the Greek word that appears in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”  Here the Greek word katharos, translated “pure,” is a word that means “clean, clear, and in a spiritual sense, clean or pure from the pollution and guilt of sin.”  Think about this, “clean or clear in a spiritual sense from the pollution and guilt of sin in heart.”  This narrows down the word “pure” here to a relation to salvation.  Whereas, “pure” in Philippians 4:8 is narrowed down to thoughts in our mind, what we are thinking about.  Big difference.
     The two differences shown in the previous paragraph show the importance and critical aspect of knowing what Greek word has been translated into an English word (and any other language).  The Greeks were more specific in their vocabulary than other languages typically are.
     Back to us in this day, and our text for the morning…”think on pure (chaste, free from defilements or impurities) things.”  Well, amen.

Over and over we find that IF WE DON’T KNOW THE GREEK behind the English (or whatever language) words, we can MISS GOD and His message to us.  I love it when God opens His heart in the Believers coming to CitP and reveals Himself in a special way to each one.  LIFE, His Life, comes in a marvelous way like they have not experienced before. 

I marvel at the faithfulness of the “regulars” who come Sunday after Sunday.  And I appreciate the faithfulness of Rick and Abby who are a great encouragement to everyone, and will be handling Christ in the Park on a couple of Sundays in the future as Barbara and I connect with family members for some special occasions.  Don’t you just love God’s provision in what He has initiated!

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Christ in the Park ministry
a ministry of
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(blog) christinthepark.blogspot.com 
(Facebook) Christ In The Park
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Attempted Demise of Justice

CitP blog, 10-7-18, The Attempted Demise of Justice

Have you ever stopped to think WHY God has said, “The just shall live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38).  When you read the handout from Christ in the Park this morning (included below) and see the connection between “just” and “righteous,” it will almost BLOW your mind!  Think of how interchangeable these two words are.  And think of how critical it is that we Christians CANNOT let the enemies of the Cross of Christ change or take away the absolute exactness of God’s Words and His meanings.  Our enemies would cry, “You are not being ‘fair’!”  We will not be “fair,” but “just” and “righteous”!

For any who think we are simply having a “good time” at the park on Sunday mornings…think again.
Christ and HIS faith is being lifted up Sunday after Sunday...

Christ in the Park handout, 10-7-18
The Attempted Demise of Justice
Philippians 4:8, “Brethren, whatsoever things are…just…think on these things.”

     The concept of “just” or “justice” is one of God’s foremost operative principles.  And the enemy has been attacking this thought forever.  However, in America, we have seen this fight reach new levels.
     As is the enemy’s mode of operation, he has worked very successfully to exchange “just” with the principle of “fair” in everything.  Have you ever stopped to think, and admit, “life is not fair”?  What is “fair” about being born blind?  What is “fair” about being killed in a car wreck when one is just a baby?  What is “fair” about ____________ (all sorts of issue people face in life)”?  None of these are “fair,” are they?  BUT…they are “just.”
     In the Bible, “just” is God’s word for “correct justice, expected by the One Who sets the rules whereby mankind must live.”  It is applied to God, “O righteous Father…” (John 17:25).
        “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified by His grace
         through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.  When God hath set forth to be a
         propitiation through faith in Christ Jesus’ blood, to declare righteousness for the
         remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God: to declare, I say,
         at this time his righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier of him which
         believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:23-26)

     With God and the Bible, the word “fair” NEVER enters any declaration or discussion when considering whether something is “right or wrong” or “legal or illegal”…it is always “just,” “justice,” “justifier,” and “justified.”  And interestingly, “righteous” in John 17:25 is translated from the same Greek word as is “just” in Romans 3.  Incredibly, EVERY instance where we find the word “righteous” in the New Testament it is from the same Greek word that we get “just”!
     GOD IS NOT “FAIR.”  GOD IS “JUST”!  Thank God He is in all our dealings!

     No wonder, God wants us to “think on…just” instead of “fair.”

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Christ in the Park ministry
a ministry of
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(blog) christinthepark.blogspot.com 
(Facebook) Christ In The Park
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696