Thursday, August 30, 2018

summer heat

CitP blog, 8-30-18, summer heat

     Things have been hot and humid at the park the past two Sunday mornings, but a nice breeze made things comfortable and that led to some great fellowship around the tables with iced tea, snacks, and the Word of God.
     One discussion was about the revelation of SELF and the revelation of GOD.  This was an area of thought that few had ever heard of.  It is absolutely encouraging to see the faithfulness of those whose hearts are hungering for a fellowship with God and with other Believers.  These are hungry for God revealing Himself to them, and also His revealing who they truly are.
     This past Sunday we talked about “gathering little by little” and how they could get an idea of having something in hand sometime down the road, instead of letting everything that passes through their hands disappear like a mist in sunlight.  It was a beautiful exchange of ideas, questions, and thinking about what can be.
     Two verses were the focus of this last discussion:
          Proverbs 13:11, “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labor shall
          Ephesians 4:28, “He that labors, working with his hands, shall so increase as that he shall have to
            give to him that needs.”
One thing I have seen for three years now, these park people are the most giving people.  They may not have much, they share with each other like family.  And they are laborers with their hands.  God once again made a connection these past two weeks.  Well, amen.  Made me think of Michael Wells and Greg Wray and how Christ in the Park got started.  This Sunday is our 3rd anniversary.

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Christ in the Park ministry
a ministry of
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(Facebook) Christ In The Park
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Inner Peace

There was a somewhat somber mood in our group this morning as a sister of one of the participants passed away Friday from a long illness.  As only God could orchestrate, the topic for discussion was "inner peace," of which our man openly stated he had none of that coming to the park this morning.

But, God spoke to his heart, and to all in attendance, with another look at our verse from the previous week...

Romans 15:13, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

I do not know of anyone who does not want PEACE.  Whether that is “world peace” or “inner peace,” all want PEACE.  God promises INNER PEACE for Christians who desire such.  In fact, it is another GIFT He wants to give us.

But, rest assured, it is not anything like “world peace.”  Listen to what Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU : NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH (capital letters for emphasis), give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

So, let us focus on 5 things from these two verses:
1.      the God of hope is the one who can fill us with HIS PEACE, if we are “believing.”
2.      it is HIS power that provides His peace.
3.      He gives, not like the world.
4.      Let not our hearts be troubled (agitated, stirred up)
5.      Let not our hearts be afraid (timid, fearful to extent of backing off)

“World peace” is based on circumstances and human beings.  INNER PEACE is based on fellowship with God.  If we are not experiencing INNER PEACE, all must take a look at two things:
1.      am I a child of God?  Once that is settled, we must ask…
2.      what is wrong with my fellowship with God?
With a proper fellowship with God, HE can fill us with all joy and peace if we believe and trust Him.

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Christ in the Park ministry
a ministry of
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(Facebook) Christ In The Park
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Sunday, 8-5, was a positive day at the Park ministry.  Thank You, Lord, for those who were present and participating.  And for showing us how You are making a difference in some lives.

The following is the handout for the day…about “Hope.”  It hit the mark with at least two of the people struggling with such…

Romans 15:13, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

True or False? – A person without HOPE in something or someone, is a person with not much to live for.   ___________

The word, hope, means to “have expectation, confidence, trust.”  It can be as much as a “confident expectation of good.”

Two things are important for us to know:
1.      HOPE comes from our believing
2.      HOPE is sustained by Holy Spirit  (His power)

·         1 Corinthians 13:7-8, love believes  &  hopes
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.”
Whose LOVE is this love?
·         Proverbs 13:12
“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life

Q – What or Who are you believing & hoping in ?

The fellowship was good as usual.  The fellowship always leads to “other” discussions that involve spiritual matters.  Amazing how quickly two hours goes by!

Thanks always for your prayers!

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Christ in the Park ministry
a ministry of
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(Facebook) Christ In The Park
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696